AlwaysOn: Netzwerken mit “celebrity bloggers”
Rafat Ali berichtet in über AlwaysOn, ein neues Projekt des Red Herring Gründers Tony Perkins. AlwaysOn will Blogging, Berühmtheiten („celebrity bloggers“) und Community unter einen Hut bringen:
„Consider the site as a marriage between blogging, community site (a bit like Metafilter), with Wired’s early 90s sensibilities,’s digerati/intellectual credentials, and Well’s early days‘ optimism. Quite a chunkful, isn’t it?
AO has 12 editorial themes, 12 sections where its bloggers, correspondents and members would offer contributions. These themes include online entertainment, wireless generation, the real-time economy, and the underground web, among others.“
Und Perkins selbst beschreibt das Projekt so: „AlwaysOn is a global network where entrepreneurs, geeks, investors and wonks share insights and opinions on technology trends and companies, vet business ideas, and create new opportunities. AO is unique in the media world in that we share editorial power with the members we serve.“ Interessante Idee, wenn auch nicht ganz so neu, wie es der Begriff „celebrity bloggers“ suggeriert.